Frequently Asked Questions about Bokashi Composting.
Please click on the tab below to find questions related to each of our Bokashi composting products.
Bokashi Plus ™
Bokashi Plus™ is a fermented product created with the Bokashi method. Bokashi is a 200 year old Asian recipe for composting, which uses beneficial microbes, such as lactobacillus, yeast and phototrophic bacteria (PNSB), combined with a non-GMO wheat bran base.
Bokashi Plus™ is a natural compost accelerator, odour control, and soil amendment. It controls pathogens, like e coli and salmonella, as well as kills fecal, plant and soil coliforms. Bokashi Plus™ turns all organics into nutrient rich soil and infuses soil with probiotics, fungi and lignin-decomposing bacteria essential to the soil food web.
The Plus in Bokashi Plus™ comes from increased levels of Purple non-sulphur bacteria, aids in lignin breakdown and utilization of organic waste. We have also added agro-minerals and trace minerals mined from Northern Ontario. Bokashi Plus™ uses only premium quality, natural and organic ingredients.
Bokashi Plus™ is completely safe for people, animals and the environment. The only precaution is that it contains wheat as the base, so those with an allergy should handle with caution.
Bokashi Plus™ should be stored in a dry container at room temperature and kept out of direct sunlight. If product falls below 10 degrees C, microbes will go dormant.
Bokashi Pro-Go™
My Good Green™ Bokashi Pro-Gro is a premium soil amendment created from the Bokashi culture mix. It is made using Canadian non-GMO wheat bran base, fermented using beneficial microbes, black strap molasses and structured water. We add a proprietary blend of food grade vitamins, minerals organic whole food complex, amino acids, kelp, agro and trace minerals. The result becomes a living organic superfood for the soil with probiotic properties, which supports a healthy and robust growing environment. It is beneficial runoff that keeps helping the environment as it spreads.
My Good Green™ Bokashi Plus is a great soil amendment on its own and as made into a microbial tea. My Good Green™ Bokashi Pro-Gro is enriched with a plethora of essential vitamins and minerals, nutrients and trace minerals that consistently work to build up soil health and vitality.
Yes! Bokashi Pro-Gro™ can be used in all types of growing media and containers, as well as outdoors. Be sure to follow the recommended instructions for use on the package.
Yes, Bokashi Pro-Gro™ is an excellent addition to your synthetic fertilizer program. It ‘fills in the gaps’, where synthetic nutes lack certain minerals, fungi, bacteria and nutrients and helps to bio-synthesize salt based nutrients which increases the efficiency and nutrient uptake into the plant.
Yes, increasing the nutrient, mineral and microbial density to your food will maximize its potential and increase the flavour and looks of your vegetable and fruit.
By keeping the soil food web being healthy and working as nature intended. Having everything available that the plant requires in a way that maximizes the uptake and availability of nutrients, minerals and microbes. This increases the Brix % in the plant. Brix % is a measurement of sugars in the plant. % of sugars, represents the mineral and nutrient density of the plant. It also gauges the amino acid content.
The healthier the plant, the more resistant it is to disease and pest invasion. Higher brix % plants won’t appear as food to sap-sucking pests. As is with nature, the strong survive and the weak fall prey to disease and pests.
Bokashi Pro-Gro™ is an enriched soil amendment and should be used as directed. Limit the amount of Bokashi Pro-Gro™ use on seedlings. A mild tea may be used until the seedlings are more developed.
Bio-intensive growing is a term that refers to the practice of infusing the soil with natural and organic nutrients, minerals and beneficial microorganisms. It creates an eco-environment that mimics nature. Feeding the soil food web many essential components to sustain a healthy robust environment for plants, which strengthens the symbiotic relationship between soil and plants. Bio-intensive growing will actually put life back into dead or dying soil, with no negative effects on the soil, air and water
Compost System
All food waste can be composted using this process, including meat, fish, cheese, fruits, vegetables and small bones. It is recommended that you cut scraps and bones down to pieces no larger than a golf ball to ensure faster decomposition.
Spoiled or rotting food should not be added to the composter. Do not put liquids or oils into the bucket as it may cause contents to spoil. Do not put anything inorganic such as plastic, metals, etc. into the composter. That’s it!
Pour half a cup of Bokashi Plus™ into the bottom of the composter. Sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons of mix evenly over approx 2″ of food scraps. Add more for meat and small bones. It is better to add more than not enough.
The food waste goes through an anaerobic fermentation process, ensuring oxygen is kept out of the bucket through its air tight seal. The micro-organisms break down the constituents of the food waste until it is effectively ‘pickled’.
The ‘Liquid Gold’ is an incredible by-product of the fermenting process. It is full of beneficial microbes, as well as enzymes, micro-nutrients, vitamins and some plant hormones to name a few.
Simply dilute with a ratio of 100:1 de-chlorinated water to ‘Liquid Gold’ and add to plants. Use within a day or so before it spoils.
The ‘Liquid Gold’ can also be poured down sinks, drains and toilets to eliminate odours and remove clogs.
It is also safe and effective to use in septic systems.
Yes. White mold is perfectly fine. It shows that the process is working well. If the mold is blue or black, this is not good. It means that the contents have gone bad and should be buried. This does not mean it is wasted. Dig a hole, put in contents of bucket. Add a cup of sugar and a some more Bokashi Plus™ and cover with 5-6″ of soil. The contents will break down eventually.
You should smell a sweet pickling smell.
Oxygen is the enemy of the anaerobic process.
• It is possible that the contents have not been pressed down sufficiently to push out all the air.
• The lid may not be sealed tightly. Be sure the lid is firmly sealed after each addition to the compost bucket.
• The ‘Liquid Gold’ should be drained off every couple of days depending on the liquid content, to keep the contents from spoiling.
• Try adding more Bokashi Plus™ and see if that helps. If not, bury contents in a hole, add more Bokashi Plus™ and cover with soil. You will still get nutrient rich soil in about 5-6 weeks.
There are a few different methods for using waste while the ground is still frozen.
• The contents of the My Good Green™ Compost System can be stored for months if necessary. Be sure to drain ‘Liquid Gold’ every 3-4 days.
• Create a Soil Factory using a container or garbage can. Place a layer of soil into the bottom, then add layer of contents. Cover with another layer of soil, mix in well and repeat until full. Cover with final layer of soil. Allow 4-6 weeks in a warm environment and you will be rewarded with nutrient rich soil, without stepping outdoors.
• Dump contents in a pile in garden. Cover with a tarp and wait for warmer weather. Leave covered for 4-6 weeks and you will also be rewarded with nutrient rich soil.
Ferminator Organic
Pet Compost Kit
All types of pet and animal waste can be composted, including agricultural livestock waste.
The microbes break down toxins, inhibit pathogens and kill fecal coliforms. The resulting composted pet waste is full of nutrients.
With the pet waste compost kit, we are not extracting the compost tea. We simply intend to ferment the waste and eliminate odours until it is ready to compost.
No, the pet waste kit is air tight and doesn’t allow for flies and maggots. Be sure to close and seal the lid properly between uses.
No, there are no foul odours associated with the pet waste kit. When culture mix is mixed with litter or in a cage, it will kill the pathogens and bacteria that cause bad odours.
Once your compost bucket is full. Leave unit sealed for at least 10 days, then mix fermented contents into soil. Allow 2-4 weeks for fermented waste to turn into nutrient rich compost.
Composted pet waste may be used as a top dressing for your lawns, ornamental and flower gardens, as well as trees and bushes.